Polycarbonate Filters
The laser experts at Phillips Safety Products, Inc. have developed a complete line of absorptive filters in polycarbonate for maximum protection. Polycarbonate filters are lightweight, impact-resistant, and generally more affordable than glass filters. Our polycarbonate filters offer a variety of wavelength absorption and broadband filter capabilities. With new technology, we can achieve higher visual light transmission in polycarbonate than ever before. Our laser experts are well-versed in dyes associated with absorption of particular wavelengths, and we regularly formulate custom filters to a customer’s specifications.
Polycarbonate Filter Key Features:
• Lightweight
• Most economical material
• Best suited for low- to mid-power density laser applications
Glass Filters
There are several power levels and wavelengths that can only be protected from with glass. Glass filters typically render a higher visual light transmission. Our laser experts have worked extensively on developing a glass filter line that is comprehensive for the ever growing varieties of applicable laser operations, and are capable of creating custom glass filters to a customer’s specifications. We can also combine glass filters for hard-to-solve applications, and we can achieve higher OD levels with the same wavelength properties by increasing thickness in most of our glass filters.
Glass Filter Key Features:
• Generally high visible light transmission
• Excellent color balance
• Best suited for mid- to high-power density laser applications